Bayridge Hospital

60 Granite Street
Lynn, MA 01904
A general hospital psychiatric satellite facility of Beverly Hospital.


ADMISSIONS: Emergency psychiatric treatment,  781-477-6940.

ADULT: 18 years and older on three locked units; a 6-bed short stay; a 31-bed general psychiatry unit for patients with long term persistent mental illness; and a 24-bed general psychiatry unit.

PARTIAL HOSPITAL: Psychiatric, chemical dependency, and dual diagnosis programs for adults.

SPECIALTIES: Adult specialty services.

INSURANCES: BC/BS, MBHP, Medicare, HPHC, HMO Blue, ValueOptions, United Behavioral Health, US Behavioral Systems, Medicaid, Tufts Health Plan, and many other HMOs and PPOs. Private arrangements are also available.

COMMENTS: Provide a full continuum of mental health services to public and private patients.