Articles, Leading Stories, Subscribers
Connecticut providers face escalating insurance concerns
By Phyllis Hanlon
Mental health providers have long experienced issues with reimbursement from insurers. But in the context...
MHA reports on state of mental health in America
By Phyllis Hanlon
Since 2014, Mental Health America (MHA) has collected and published data related to the status of mental...
Massachusetts agencies update protocols to alleviate ED boarding in hospitals
By Eileen Weber
Too often, patients with behavioral health or substance abuse issues have no choice but to head to the...
Proposed law would allow for mandated outpatient treatment
By Catherine Robertson Souter
Massachusetts is one of only three states, along with Connecticut and Maryland, that does not allow...
Teens’ investment in selfies linked to symptoms of depression
By New England Psychologist Staff
While many parents worry their teens post too many selfies on social media, a new study says the...
When your patient gets angry
By Marie Hartwell-Walker, Ed.D.
If you’ve grown up on Marvel Comics, you know the Incredible Hulk’s line: “Don’t make me angry....
Psychologist’s training program may impact police reform
By Catherine Robertson Souter
Just over a year ago, the world paused in stunned horror when a video surfaced of the murder of George...
Guiding patients in self-care is key
By Catherine Robertson Souter
There has been a lot of talk about self-care this past year. Do a search and you will find multiple...
Hallucinogenic agents: pros and cons of psychedelic therapy
By Phyllis Hanlon
As a young man, Rick Barnett sought to “find himself” through psychedelic drugs. His journey began as...