Articles, Leading Stories
The professional chef: Behind the menus
By Catherine Robertson Souter
Running a restaurant, with its long hours, demanding schedules and high rates of failure, would be the epitome of the nightmare job for some people. For others, it’s the...
The Affordable Care Act: What it means for psychologists
By Phyllis Hanlon
The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has given the green light for partial application now with full implementation of the...
ACOs hope to save money
By Phyllis Hanlon
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act represents one of the most ambitious health care reform initiatives this country has experienced. One of the law’s provisions...
Active shooter trainer: a good idea?
By Janine Weisman
What should you do if a gunman suddenly bursts into your school or workplace? The conventional answer has long been lockdown: hide quietly, lock or barricade doors, turn off...
CPT code changes implemented in January
By Phyllis Hanlon
As of January 1, psychologists nation-wide have a new practice issue with which to contend. After conducting its routine five-year review, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid...
MNS and MPA collaboration: a model for other organizations
By Phyllis Hanlon
The October 2012 issue of New England Psychologist reported on the passage of “An Act Improving the Quality of Health Care and Reducing Costs Through Increased Transparency,...
Use of ECT on the rise?
By Catherine Robertson Souter
Practice trends at odds with study results
For a treatment that’s existed for nearly a century, the function of electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT, is still somewhat...
Clinical trial for GAD treatment underway
By Pamela Berard
Researchers at Connecticut’s Hartford Hospital Institute of Living are conducting a clinical trial to investigate the use of neuronavigation in combination with transcranial...
Arts participation linked to higher rates of teen depression
By Janine Weisman
Teens involved in after-school arts activities report more depressive symptoms than those participating in only sports according to a study published last November in the...
Pro-ana Web sites pose risks
By Janine Weisman
Type “thinspiration” into Google’s blog search: 320,000 results appear.
The phrase appears over images of bone-thin women posted on Pinterest, Tumblr, Youtube and...