Articles, Leading Stories
CARE Act would allow involuntary commitment for addicts
By Catherine Robertson Souter
Tags: addiction, CARE Act, court order, drug overdose, involuntary commitment, Massachusetts legislature, recovery treatment
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William James College acquires Teachers21: Aims to make schools a better place for students
By Phyllis Hanlon
Connecticut’s troubled adolescents lack coverage
By Eileen Weber
Tags: behavior problems, children, Connecticut, diagnosis, kids, Lawmakers, mental health professionals, mental illness, psychiatry
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VT braces for loss of psychiatric bed Medicaid funding
By Janine Weisman
Tags: Brattleboro Retreat, exemption, hospitals, increase bed capacity, Medicaid, Mental health, mental health system, Vermont
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Marketing is key to building practice but must be done with careful planning
By Catherine Robertson Souter
Revenue to focus on increasing inpatient capacity
By Pamela Berard
Tags: adolescents, children, emergency room, inpatient, Medicaid, Mental health, mental health crisis, psychiatric beds, Vermont
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