Articles, Leading Stories
APA calls on CMS to revise auditing practices after notices alarm psychologists
By Janine Weisman
The letters psychologists starting...
Mt. Ascutney Hospital adopts program to benefit families
By Margarita Tartakovsky, MS
Like the rest of the U.S., Vermont has been hit hard by the opioid crisis. Windsor County has seen a...
New Maine law requires a mental health evaluation to remove weapon
By Margarita Tartakovsky, MS
Tags: crisis, distress, firearms, gun rights, gun safety, Maine, mental health evaluation, weapons
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ME legislation seeks community-based mental health task force
By Eileen Weber
Mentally ill patients often end up in emergency rooms, homeless shelters, or even jails instead of getting much needed psychiatric care. Senator Cathy Breen (D- )
Psychologist focuses on reproductive, infertility issues
By Catherine Robertson Souter
The images are everywhere. The perfect little family, in a magazine article, on a sitcom, or peering out from every celebrity Twitter post. But for up to 15 percent of couples,...
Mass. Nurses Association wants say in dealing with problems at Worcester Recovery Center
By Janine Weisman
Rhode Island Foundation awards grants to non-profit organizations focused on behavioral health
By Margarita Tartakovsky, MS
Tags: alcohol use, behavioral health, grants, mental health issues, mental illness, non-profit organizations, post-traumatic stress, Rhode Island Foundation
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NH aims to reduce emergency boarding
By Catherine Robertson Souter
Tags: emergency room boarding, hospitals, legislation, mental health care system, mental health crisis, New Hampshire, treatment
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Specialists address the complexities of treating women’s emotional health
By Phyllis Hanlon
Statistics show that women are twice as likely as men to experience depression and several types of anxiety; females are...