Articles, Leading Stories

October 1st, 2010

Research: Spanked children have lower IQs

By Ami Albernaz

Those against corporal punishment may have found support in research presented last fall that suggests kids who are spanked have lower IQs than kids who are not.


October 1st, 2010

College drinking: study findings promote motivational intervention

By Phyllis Hanlon

Drinking on campus has become an integral part of the college experience for some. But consider some statistics released by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and...

October 1st, 2010

Study: Maternal affection impacts adult mental health

By Pamela Berard

A new study suggests that infants who received high levels of maternal affection may be better able to deal with life stressors as adults.

The study, published in the...

October 1st, 2010

Proposed bill would help homeless in Vermont

By Pamela Berard

Legislation introduced in the U.S. House could combat homelessness in small states by increasing the small-state minimum allotment for the Projects for Assistance in Transition...

August 21st, 2010

Trends in growth areas reflect social, cultural conditions

By Phyllis Hanlon

In 2008, the American Psychological Association (APA) identified six growth areas for the profession: public health, seniors, veterans, government service, the workplace and...

August 21st, 2010

How can psychologists best market themselves?

By Ami Albernaz

Between the down economy and managed care woes, many psychologists have been rethinking their practices and questioning how to give them a boost. The way forward, though, might...

August 21st, 2010

Coalition helps service members and families get help

By Pamela Berard

When soldiers are deployed, it’s like dropping a pebble into a pool.

“There is a major ripple effect,” says Vermont National Guard LTC. Marc Goudreau....

August 21st, 2010

E-mail screening for depression studied

By Ami Albernaz

In an age in which most college students spend vast amounts of time online, screening for depression via e-mail might make sense as a simpler, more cost-effective alternative...

August 21st, 2010

Project gives hope, direction

By Catherine Robertson Souter

Many times, the people on the front lines of mental health care, those in recovery or currently being treated, can feel lost in the maze. From finding appropriate care to...

August 21st, 2010

Smoking bans: the right step or an unnecessary burden for patients?

By Pamela Berard

In May, Vermont State Hospital joined a growing number of psychiatric facilities to ban smoking from its grounds.

The trend is divisive in the field. Those in favor of...