Articles, Columnists, In Person

July 1st, 2015

Taking the next step

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

I find it hard to believe that it has been a full year since I wrote about “The Retirement Readiness Test,” a three-day weekend rehearsal of a retired psychologist’s...

June 1st, 2015

Why place matters

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

The man had just explained how his violent behavior was the norm in the poor urban neighborhood where he was raised and I responded with a simple acknowledgement of how...

May 1st, 2015

Extra people

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

Flannery O’Connor has a powerful short story entitled, “The Displaced Person,” where she describes the impact of the arrival of a refugee family on a small Southern farm....

April 1st, 2015

When laughter shows the way

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

In all the years I had known him, through hundreds of therapy hours that sometimes left me feeling as hopeless as he did; he had never stopped talking about killing himself. He...

March 1st, 2015

Learning to trust the process

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

The interviews are over, the rankings have been submitted, and the cloud has delivered the names of our interns for the next training year. All of that is done but I am still...

February 1st, 2015

All you need is love

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

In the dead of winter, Valentine’s Day reminds us of the healing power of love in all of its many forms. Cut through the commercial dross of the manufactured holiday and you...

January 1st, 2015

The lady in the chair

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

It was time for her annual review and she had been transferred only recently to my unit. A year in the hospital and this was the first time we would be talking together. The...

December 1st, 2014

Your mailbox is almost full

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

When it comes to life’s little annoyances, right up there with greenhead flies on the beach and that wad of cotton in the aspirin bottle, is the email message that threatens...

November 1st, 2014

The way of the cat

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

You never know what new lesson life has in store or who will come along to teach it. Just when I thought I had missed the pleasures and challenges of pet ownership, our...