Articles, Leading Stories
Weight-based bullying can lead to psychological distress
By Phyllis Hanlon
Fashion magazines, television shows, movies and other media have promoted the idea that “thin is in” for decades. While there has been a slight shift in thinking recently,...
Psychologist management jobs are highest paid
By Janine Weisman
The median annual salary for full-time psychologists holding doctorates or highest professional degrees in the United States was $85,000 in 2015, up from $80,000 in 2013,...
Union wants metal detectors at Department of Mental Health sites
By Susan Gonsalves
Representatives of workers at inpatient mental health facilities around Massachusetts fear that it’s inevitable people will be seriously injured or killed if action is not...
Online program to address insomnia in young cancer survivors
By Susan Gonsalves
Pediatric cancer survivors suffer the effects of insomnia even after treatment has ended. Untreated, lack of sleep can cause an array of physical problems as well as impact...
Virtual reality: a clinically useful tool for psychologists
By Phyllis Hanlon
Middle-school children from a rural school in Vermont recently “connected” with peers in South Sudan. Some younger students studying ancient civilizations “traveled” to...
Grant to fund integrated care delivery system in Vermont
By Pamela Berard
The Vermont Department of Mental Health was recently awarded a five-year, $9.9 million federal grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to...
Prediction shows drop in opioid fatalities
By Catherine Robertson Souter
There may be a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel for the New Hampshire opioid crisis. At the very least there is some positive news coming from the state’s Office of...
Walden tackles LGBTQ eating disorders
By Eileen Weber
The statistics for eating disorders in the LGBTQ community are unsettling. According to the International Journal of Eating Disorders, 42 percent of men with this issue...
Program to focus on social justice, human rights
By Catherine Robertson Souter
After spending nearly a decade fighting for a change in how psychologists work with the Department of Defense around torture techniques, Stephen Soldz, Ph.D., a professor at...
“Managing Therapy-Interfering Behavior: Strategies from Dialectical Behavior Therapy”
By Kerry Morrison, Psy.D
“Managing Therapy-Interfering Behavior: Strategies from Dialectical Behavior Therapy”
By Alexander L. Chapman and M. Zachary Rosenthal
American Psychological...