Articles, Leading Stories

January 1st, 2010

Violence: balancing treatment efficacy with provider safety

By Phyllis Hanlon

Last October, shock waves rippled through the mental health community when a patient at the bipolar clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) stabbed his psychiatrist....

January 1st, 2010

Jobless have increased mental health woes

By Pamela Berard

A national study shows Americans affected by the economic downturn displaying symptoms of severe mental illness at a much greater rate than those who haven’t been...

January 1st, 2010

Name change for day program reflects services

By Jennifer E Chase

What’s in a name? To the Massachusetts organization formerly known as Handi Kids., everything.

For one thing, this vocational and life skills program for clients ages...

January 1st, 2010

Health care quality progress slowed in ‘08

By Nan Shnitzler

A report released this past October by the private, non-profit National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) finds that the overall quality of health care delivered through...

January 1st, 2010

Report reveals alarming child death statistics

By Phyllis Hanlon

On October, the Every Child Matters Education Fund (ECMEF) released eyebrow-raising findings, based on data obtained from the Department of Health and Human Services: 10,440...

January 1st, 2010

Study shows Americans are sleep deprived

By Catherine Robertson Souter

Some say that Americans are less productive than their counterparts in other developed countries, are far too overweight, don’t exercise enough and now, to top it off,...

January 1st, 2010

Westborough State Hospital to close ahead of schedule

By Elinor Nelson

In a money saving plan expected to help meet the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health’s $14 million shortfall entering fiscal year 2010, the state will be closing...

January 1st, 2010

McLean’s coaching program offers new opportunity for psychologists

By Jennifer E Chase

Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital in Massachusetts opened in early 2009 and is quickly becoming a reliable resource for psychologists wanting to add the skills of life...

January 1st, 2010

Stress impacting teens too

By Pamela Berard

The dismal economy has not only affected American adults – teens and tweens are feeling the pressure, too.

Stress related to family finances has grown among youth in...

January 1st, 2010

Stress on campuses also on the rise

By Ami Albernaz

As enriching as the college years are for most students, they undeniably come with some stress, as students are – for the first time, in many cases – squarely in charge of...